Saturday, October 28, 2006

2nd time

I am so excited, one week left till we have our wonderful 2 weeks in the sun. We have been vacationing with our dear friends for many years now and we look forward to it so much every year. It may seem like an odd time of the year to go to Mexico but if you've never been to Mexico in November, you don't realize that it is nicer weather than in February. The evenings stay a lot warmer than Feb and it is much more like our August here.

Summer clothes are laid out, just need to make the decision on which luggage to take...(too many ball bags). We go for 1 week of R & R and then one week is organized somewhat as the next week is a slo-pitch ball tourney with teams from Can, US and Mexico playing. It is all totally a fun tourney but it is nice to have to do something after a week of R & R. It is also like a reunion cause many of the players that come have been to the tourneys many times. Oh, it's just exciting talking about it.

Congratulations again to Suz. You have a gorgeous baby girl. Sarah Marie. I like the name very much. My mother's name is Marie, my middle name is Marie and my daughter's middle name is Marie. Good choice!

Jenn, think of your little ailment as a blessing, it is helping you to get on track with your eating habits and giving you a little pain when you stray. Over the years, I have seen so many people who have lost weight and lost the health problems that they were having. Like high cholestrol, high blood pressure, aching back and an assortment of other things. Trust me, it will be a lot easier for you to lose weight at your age than it is once you hit this older age (45 plus). I have lost weight but it is definitely harder as my metabolism is slower and requires less intake and most of the fat cells are right around my mid section. But I feel better than I every did and so much stronger. I was on the path of being a whimp until mortality hit me in the face one day and I decided to take control and not grow old without a fight.

Jess, have fun on your holiday and don't hold that baby too much. I've heard that it's

Well, hopefully this time, this will post, had a blog all written up last week,, went to post and viola.......gone. See ya all soon when I have some new hot pics...literally!

Sorry about the same 2 pics, meant to post another but screwed up. Anyhow, one is au natural and the other is photoshopped. I love editing, it is so much fun!


S Q L Y said...

It is nice to see you blog again as i have been dragging my feet, i'll have a new post soon. your pic of mexico is good - two..all the better ha
Have a good time and win at least 1 game for the t-shirts. hha

islandarts said...

The trip sounds like a blast! Laying out on the beach is fun but it's also nice to have a 'reason' to be in Mexico too...
As for the health probs... I still haven't ditched the pain- but I've been managing to still eat when I'm not hurting. The pain seems to come wether i eat or not (like at 4 in the morning!!) But it is a good way to shed the unwanted pounds. Maybe I'll hold off on the cure for a little while... pain is a great motivator.

alikat789 said...

Have a wonderful time in Mexico...don't get too suntanned. I'm expecting to see some amazing photos of your trip. Have ya

Your DD

alikat789 said...

Have a wonderful time in Mexico...don't get too suntanned. I'm expecting to see some amazing photos of your trip. Have ya

Your DD

FitGirl said...

Thanks Aunty! I definitely plan on holding that little babe, that is if they are home when we visit.

Have a wonderful time in Mexico... I'm sooo jealous!!!

Love ya!