Saturday, April 08, 2006


Awww, finally, spring. Seems like it's been a long time coming but I guess it's the normal time. Getting our snow at the beginning of March really threw a knot into things cause that's when it should be melting. With the rain and drizzle that we have had for the past few days, the snow is now gone and the forecast is for a wonderful weekend.

Sitting on the deck this morning with a morning coffee was so refreshing and uplifting. The birds were singing and the crows were carrying twigs around (getting the nest ready I guess). It was just a wonderful feeling knowing that the dull days of winter are finally over. Now, we find all the surprises under the snow and can clean it up before the little shoots of green starting springing.

With my new camera, I can hardly wait, I feel like a kid again and want things to grow faster so that I can take some colorful pictures instead of the snow scenes. I did take a couple pics this morning, check them out....Oprah (yep, that's her name) got a haircut this week and looks pretty spiffy and the bird in the other pic was up high in a tree singing a wonderful song.


islandarts said...

Wow, we must have telepathic skillz. LOL both our pooches look so stylish! I'm so jazzed about spring this year as it was a long and dreary winter out here on the island.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Oprah is really starting to look her age. All that grey in the brows. Glad to see she's still up and at 'er!!! Happy Spring!!!