Friday, April 14, 2006

Photographer in me!

Alison is here this weekend and I took the opportunity of practicing on the tripod with my new camera. I have uploaded 6 portrait pics to flickr so hop over and check them out. I had so much fun and I was very impressed with the pictures. The sun room had wonderful light and Alison's blue eyes popped with this option on my camera.

Well off for turkey at Dean & Nancy's.


islandarts said...

Aunty The photos are so awesome!! I emailed you some samples of your shots of Alison that i used some 'plug-ins' on. I couldn't resist, they are such great portraits!!

S Q L Y said...

Yes Sis, you have a talent for the Photo arts- Looking good.

FitGirl said...

Alison's blue eyes do pop with that feature! Wow, awesome!

Keep it up!!!