Saturday, December 09, 2006


Hello bloggerland:

I upgraded my Internet Ex to 7 cause it told me it had more advanced features to enhance security etc. and now I see it has a new interface and it's taking some getting used to. But techy little me will work with it and eventually have it all worked out.

I am retired! Well, I guess you can't really call it retired, but I do have a separation slip as of Friday. I will be starting on Jan 2 at a new office (with my past boss though). He and another bought out an existing firm and we will be moving on. I was soooooo ready. Don't want to pull a dooce here and spill too much beans but it is definitely a move for the better.

Extra time off before Xmas, yes....I have so many things I want to do. Paint walls, clean closets and drawers, plan you think I will actually do it all...who knows but I will try and not procrasinate too much. That definitely can happen.

For those of you that are interested, I did upload more Mexico pics to Flickr. Check them out.

Well think it is a shopping day, want to look at a larger monitor, and who knows maybe even a widescreen, do any of you have a widescreen?


PS this pic is of Banff Springs Hotel (with editing applied) what do you think?

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