Sunday, June 04, 2006

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Well, I didn't post any pics of trains (although they do go through our town about 6 times a day) or automobiles but here is what we did on a Sun. morning.

The town has a fly in show where pilots and planes from different air flying groups fly to different locations on a Sunday morning for a pancake breakfast (yes, they were yummy). People come and view and can have rides (for a price). The local airport is very close to where we live so once I realized what was happening, we walked over, camera and money in hand and had breakfast and I snapped around 50 pics. It was great Sunday morning fun.

Yesterday, we went for a round of golf and stopped at a local lake and had some good old grease and just enjoyed a well deserved DO NOTHING PRODUCTIVE afternoon.

As you can see, I was fascinated by the mini copter. 2 seater baby model. Apparently a well respected surgeon (woman, of course) is the owner and pilot of the little guy. It was so cute, I wanted to fly it! NOT!

Morning has now advanced into afternoon, so perhaps I should do something productive this afternoon. We bought some wonderful polish (house, auto, plane (of course) so I'm off to make things shine. I'll let you know how amazing it is (it should be for the price of it)!


islandarts said...

What a smart surgeon, to have her own helicopter!
We have a surgeon here it town that works out of Vancouver and flies his own helicopter too. Must be nice to avoid taking the silly ferry everyday, or just to avoid traffic!!

alikat789 said...

Beautiful pictures Mama. Check out my blog...i finally updated.

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