Friday, February 08, 2013


It's been years since I looked at this blog but something hit me this morning and I wanted to start blogging again, so here goes.

I haven't worked out my blogging style as yet, but I can tell you, it will be family, photography, travel and my granddaughter, Scarlett.  It is going to be a Hodge Podge as perhaps I will throw in some cooking and senior type stuff too (not sure yet what senior stuff is!)

As the new title indicates, I have decided it is now the time to quit the day job and do what I want when I want and how I want!  On June 1, 2013 I will be my own boss once again.  I went back to work after the kids were 10 and 8 in 1987 and haven't had a break in my working life.  I always had a goal of Freedom 55 but at 55 I was not yet ready.  This year, I am ready.  Lots going on and I want to do what I want when I want and how I want....did I say that already?  lol

My son and his mate are on the move.  She is Australian and they have decided they want to raise Scarlett in Australia.  What can I say, my son is a big boy and I DO remember how it was to be 33 and wanting to be my own mom and do my own thing.  Mine you at 33 years of age, I had a 11 years old and a 9 year old!  My how times have changed!

This weekend we are having a family weekend in a chalet in the mountains.  Daughter is coming in this afternoon and off the 5.5 of us go to the Rockies for some family time.  Daughter in law is leaving on February 24 with my dear g-baby to Melbourne and we thought a family weekend would be in order.  Christmas is just too busy so this will be our time.  

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