Thursday, June 15, 2006

Rain, rain go away

Okay, I am now officially sick of the rain, please go away and let us get on with summer. I feel like I am living in Vancouver (not that I ever did but I heard it rains a lot there). (Is this true Island and Suz?) Although perhaps your climate is somewhat different than Van!

My flowers now have enough rain, in fact they are sopping wet and need some sun to dry them out. How can I take pictures of beautiful flowers when they are wilty and dying from all the rain? Although........hmm, if it is still raining tonight, perhaps I will take a few rainy flower pictures and look for the beauty in it! I am such a positive geek aren't I?

As you will note, I have been using my investigative skills again and have now discovered how to put flickr on my page. Pretty talented for an old crow, don't you think?

And.....hey bout those Oilers? I think all of Alberta must've jumped and screamed last was awesome! Who knows where this will lead! Never say never!!!!


S Q L Y said...

My Feelings are that the Oilers have set- off a precussion bomb....and it will still be heard when they ( h-caines ) get to Edmonton.
I will be on that Band-wagon till the road runs out..

islandarts said...

There was a lot of screaming on Vancouver Island too, I'll tell you!! Go Oilers go!!

As for rain, we had a near record this winter- 29 STRAIGHT days of rain. Talk about gross. I was ready to make an ark and get the hell outta here...

I'd love to see some rain soaked blossoms!

FitGirl said...

Hey aunty! Come to Calgary, we've been getting only a wee bit of rain!
This weekend should be gorgeous! Get out and enjoy it :)

S Q L Y said...

Have you watched any of the Eskimo's games yet this year?
The game lAST NIGHT (that would be fri nite) WAS A BIT RAIn delayed but it was a good game and EDmonton ESks won 27-20 over B.C.
Donna,Write us a new blog when you get a chance- I keep checking and miss your action...!