I have been procrasinating about blogging lately cause I just haven't found a topic but here goes for a blog about random thoughts. The weather has been quite beautiful here lately, very sunny and with a Wind that seems like we live in Lethbridge. I was out and about the yard tonight (no wind for once) and it is so beautiful to see the little green shoots coming out of the ground. I was so enamoured by them that I had to give them a drink. I hope they enjoyed it and that by tomorrow they are growing taller.
For all who are wondering about my course (must be one of you), it went very well and I breezed through the 4 hour exam without a major hitch. We have to wait 2 - 3 weeks for results but I am quite confident that I passed the 80% passing mark. After all, it was an open book test and I had my book covered with tabs so that I found whatever I was looking for in minimum time. The unfortunate part is that you take this intensive course, then you have to wait for marks before you can actually do the work that you were intensively trained to do. Oh, well, I still have my heavily tabbed book so I guess I can find it again.
Oh, one more thought, it's tax deadline this weekend, has everyone filed their taxes. I was on the ball, filed early and the refund is probably all spend already!
Open book test??? There should be no reason to NOT get 100%!! Good luck anyway (not that you'll need it).
We filed, received and spent our return already. I love this time of year!
It may have been an open book test but that means that we could find information to analyze the question and then answer it. Wasn't quite as easy as you think!
Tests are Tests,
and even with a open book They have a way of screwing with your head so much that you are also open to answering the wrong way....
Now Here's hopeing you got a high mark for your efforts.
I'm sure that test is passed with flying colors.
I am surprised you didn't take a pic of the blades of grass getting some water.
My tax refund is not spent yet, but i have a a million things i could use it for.
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