Anybody buy some shares? At $27.00 a share, I doubt that many average stock players bought many.
So what's the attraction? I have the theory that they have an addictive substances in their coffee and that's why some people can't drive by a Tim house with stopping. What's your theory?
Great shot, but why do you have the french version of the tim's cup showing...for all your french friends? I don't have a theory to the timmie's craze besides it being a onestop shop...can get coffee & donuts, coffee & breakie, hotchocolate & bagels.
I'm not much of a coffee drinker, so I have no theory on the Timmies Craze!
But it certainly is a craze, indeed! I've seen people lined up around a building to get their hands on their morning cup of Timmy Ho Coffee! CRAZINESS!
PS... welcome to blogging :)
It's me your ol' work pal from back home!! I agree completely with your 'additive' suspicion. I've had Tim's coffee, pretty good, but not good enough to wait in line with my car for a block!! Seems to happen all the time back home here, at both locations apparently, but I've never participated. We have a couple diehards here at work who go sometimes 3 times a day!!!!! Gotta be an additive, or else why not just have coffee at work here!????
Great photo Aunty!
I used to hate Timmies when I drank my coffee black... now that i have discovered it with coffee and cream... I'm hooked.
I figured out that it's not really an additive but it's the 18% table cream that they use in their coffee... yummy stuff compared to half and half. And a whole hell of a lot more calories :0(
I meant sugar aned cream. oops
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