Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Idiots, Lame Brains, whatever you want to call them!

In keeping with the name of my blog, on my drive to work this morning (it takes about 20 minutes), I knew what I was going to blog about.

I enjoy my drive to work in the morning, it is nice and light (and sunny today), I listen to the radio and sip on my coffee and just think and prepare for the day ahead. Then, I glance in my rear view mirror and I have a bumper rider, yep, he's in a horrible rush. I glance down and yep, I'm doing 105 in a 100 zone. So, what's his problem? As he rushes past me, I wish I had a sign that said "you idiot, I will be beside you at the red light at the outskirts of the city". It would have been different if I was the teetotaller going 80 but gosh, I was already over the speed limit on a solid line, winding road with plenty of oncoming traffic. (After all it is the morning rush!).

My questions to this individual would be
1. Do you crave the thrill of danger and that's why you just had to pass the car ahead of you?
2. Are you on a suicide mission? (just don't take me with you)!
3. Is 15 seconds going to make a difference?

Do I sound a little worked up? Yep, I was....for about 2 seconds...till he was ahead of me! Then I thought, great topic.......

We have had deadly accidents in our region in the past few months and I have been listening carefully and most have been caused by the stupid things like speeding and alchohol. Why can't people think a bit??

1 comment:

S Q L Y said...

Probably cause they fried thier brains the night before and have little reserve to go on with the next day...